Friday, January 14, 2011

The worlds ugliest carpet and other ugliness.

So, one of the main reasons I started this blog was so I could document the work we're doing to the RV. So I could have a before, after, and along the way type of reference. Well, this is the before. Here are some pictures of what the inside of it looks like currently, with us having done very little to it since we purchased it. I ♥ my RV, but right now it's pretty ugly. And it smells. But don't you worry, we're gonna take care of all that and make this the cutest, coziest RV ever.

close up of the carpet. possibly the world's ugliest carpet. that definitely has got to go. we've already ordered new carpet and got box cutters and masks for ripping up the old carpet. we're gonna try to install the new stuff ourselves, despite never having done anything like that before. so, we'll see how that goes.

the bathroom's not too bad; I kinda like it actually. big window, separate shower...

yeah...what bathroom doesn't need some nice carpeting? that's definitely gonna be replaced too.

 loft bed above cab of truck. I hate the fabric, that's gonna go too.

this is the....thing...above the loft bed. yay! dead bugs above my head! Definitely gonna clean that out too.

the couch that pulls out into a bed is in the corner of the picture on the left, and above is a close-up of the ugly (and burnt) material. I want to get that reupholstered. I don't know if we can do it ourselves or not, but we're probably gonna try.

all the windows had these films on them to block out the sunlight, but I looooooove sunlight so I peeled them all off...except this one, which won't peel off for some reason. I can only get it to come off in teeny, tiny pieces. grr. all those scratches are from me trying to peel it off with a box cutter. it may take forever but I am going to get it off. 

 unfinished wood ceiling on half of the RV, and ugly wallpaper on the other half of the ceiling. we're either gonna paint the ceiling or pick out new wallpaper for it. or both, who knows. 

so that's it. that's what we have to work with. but I do love a good project.

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