Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brief Interlude for Cute Pet Photos

my pets are super cute. enjoy.

my cat Layla. the most awesome cat alive. she pretty much always looks like this; her eyes are huge and always wide open.

our hedgehog, Pasta Batman. she's such a ham in front of the camera!

when P Bat is put under running water, she "swims," it's awesome

and yes, like any other hedgehog, she's constantly getting herself stuck in toilet paper roles.I love how pissed off she seems in this picture, like, "hey, I'm trying to have some private time with my tube! well, excuuuuuse me, Miss Batman.
Pasta Batman has many nicknames. P Bat, or if you want to go the more hedgehog-rapper route, P Bat da Hedge. Saucey or The Sauce, The Bat, Miss Batman, Batsworth, Battington, Little Bug (I call her that because she looks like a bug when you see her running around on the floor), and many more (including a few that have to do with her tendency to be covered in poop and smelly).

 my first rat ever, Plink (short for Plinklenose.) he's the sweetest. he loves to cuddle up and be petted.

 but he hates baths. never trying that again.

but he looks so cute all wet!

I didn't want him to have to be alone, so I got another rat a little over a week ago. his name is Sweetpea (aka Quagglebar).
their first meeting was so cute. Sweetpea was in love and Plink was oblivious. Sweetpea, bless his heart, tried everything he could to get Plink to notice him. 

he's so cute.only 6 weeks old when I got him. ridiculously tiny.

by the way, the Plink/Sweetpea story ends happily...they're totally best friends now. :)

so, I guess now the question is, will we be traveling/living in a 24 ft long RV with 2 people, a cat, 2 rats, and a hedgehog? and the answer is, quite possibly. will it be easy and comfortable? that remains to be seen.
and by the way, if my cat is going to live in the RV with us, I want to try to train her to use a toilet. I think she could learn, she's very adaptable. I also want to start trying to walk her on leash--I think of all the cats I've had/met in my life, she's the most likely to go for it. I'll probably start that experiment around spring so I'll keep you guys updated. :)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!!! Really, really cute. I love your hedgie, too!
