Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fixing Up the Bathroom, Part One

So it was finally warm enough (in the mid to high 50s--may have even gotten to 60) to get some work done in the RV (which we still have no way to power, so we have to rely on sunlight to see and outdoor temperature to keep us warm). We tore up the carpet in the bathroom, pulled out nails, and laid down some peel and stick tiles. We're not quite done and it doesn't look perfect, but we did it. And we're happy.

 cutting up carpet and pulling up nails--that's how we roll. 

so neither of us ended up cutting ourselves with the box cutters, but Cameron managed to cut himself on...something in the bathroom. 

and I somehow managed to hurt myself on a piece of vinyl tile...? yeah, I don't understand it either. 

So we still need to tile around the toilet (the wood is raised there, so we have to use scraps to get that part done, and tiling behind the toilet is going to be a pain in the ass for sure) and then caulk around all the tile and sand down the caulk, but this is really the first thing we've done to spruce up the RV and the first time either of us has really done a project like this on our own, so we're both pretty excited. :)

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