Monday, January 17, 2011

Jeero: The Ugly Doll, The Legend

So the RV, and therefore this blog, is named after our road trip buddy Jeero. He's been our road trip buddy for a few years now; we bring Jeero every new place we go and try to take pictures of him everywhere.
There is a story of how Jeero became our road trip buddy....
Cameron (my boyfriend) and I were in the early leg of a road trip in July 2009 and were visiting a friend of ours who lived outside of Chicago. She had a Jeero doll and a Chuckanucka doll in the back of her car, and we enjoyed reading and laughing at the vaguely incomprehensible description of Jeero on the little card that came with him. I started getting kinda attached to Jeero. Then one day when we took a day trip to Madison, Wisconsin with our friend, I steered us into a toy store that carried Ugly Dolls. I looked at the key chain sized Jeero wishfully, but ended up not getting him because I felt guilty spending money (of which I had little) on something so frivolous. So I sadly left the Ugly Dolls and wandered around the store for a bit. We finally left the store and were walking down the street when Cameron gleefully presented me with Jeero. It turned out he had sneakily bought him as a gift for me when I wasn't paying attention. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever and Jeero pretty much became our road trip mascot right then and there. :)

So here are some of the many places Jeero has been:

Lake Michigan, the first place we ever photographed him

this is Jeero at a free Dark Star Orchestra concert we went to in Ohio. the town (I can't even remember what town it was now) was pretty boring, but the show was awesome! (for those who don't know, DSO is, like, the best Grateful Dead Cover band ever) I apologize for the crappy quality of this picture; I had a really crappy camera back  then

Forsyth Park in Savannah, Georgia. amazing city. Cameron and I grabbed a bunch of Spanish moss and started tossing back and forth. we later found out that it has lots of parasitic bugs in it and you shouldn't ever touch it. oops. 


at a farm in PA. we had gone to the Rainbow Gathering this past summer (2010) in the Allegheny National Forest near Sheffield, PA. on our way to the gathering, we passed this farm, which we noticed because it had a large sign out front saying "Goat Milk Fudge." we knew we had to check that out, so on our way out of the gathering, we stopped at the farm where not only did we get goat milk fudge, but we ended up talking to the woman there for quite awhile. she was really friendly; she showed us around the farm and when we told her we were on a road trip, she suggested we go Watkins Glen, New York and stay in these cabins they rent for cheap. which we totally ended up doing. and it was awesome. as was the goat milk fudge.

But before we went to Watkins Glen, we stopped in Buffalo NY where we decided to indulge ourselves after spending a few days being dirty in the woods. so we got pedicures together (which we sneakily drank during) then had a delicious dinner. 

the cabin we stayed at in Watkins Glen. can you make out Jeero in the picture? he's the tiny green object on the left. :)
we loved that cabin. it didn't have TV or air conditioning, and the shower looked more like a mix between a bug morgue and an abandoned supply closet, but still. it was so cute and vintage looking.
everyone who worked there kept trying to talk us out of staying there because it didn't have air conditioning. I was like "we don't have air conditioning. and we live in North Carolina." they finally gave in and let us stay there, and we never once wished for a/c. AND it was $40 a night.

Jeero, with my superhero alterego, Seaweed Head Girl, at Seneca Lake in Watkins Glen. 

 there were a ton of wineries/vineyards in/around Watkins Glen, and Jeero went to a lot of them. but here's him in front of his favorite, which was a meadery.
                   Jeero loved the Ben and Jerry's Factory in Burlington Vermont. yay for free ice cream!

on a sunset ferry tour of Lake Champlain in Burlington, Vermont. it was so beautiful.
 Jeero toured the Magic Hat Factory with us. that was his and my first brewery tour, and it was totally awesome. luckily they didn't ID Jeero, because he doesn't have an ID.

 these three pictures were from an awesome farm in Vermont. Jeero had a lot of fun in Vermont.

Jeero enjoying the company of a wise and friendly goat.

                                       The three of us together at a Bethany Beach in Delaware.

Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum in Ocean City, Maryland. if you've never been to one, I *highly* recommend checking one out. they're all over. 

in front of the statue of Neptune at the Neptune Festival in Virginia Beach.

you can't stop Jeero because he's on a boat!
out on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, on Cameron's parents' boat.

Jeero chillin' with his buddy Captain Cream Cheese at the pool at Spring Cove Marina in Solomons, MD.

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