Monday, May 30, 2011

If you wanna make an omelet...

So I realize that I haven't written in a long time. That's because there hasn't been much to report. We just moved about a month ago so a lot of our energy has been (and is still being) spent on that. But we have moved things along with the RV slightly...

So with the help of Joe--remember Joe? Here he is: 

Anyway, with the help of Joe, we got an idea of what needed to be done about the rotten wood and stuff, and got more supplies. Unfortunately, we also found out from Joe that one thing that we actually did, by ourselves, that we were so proud of, had been done in vain. Totally futile effort. It turns out the peel and stick tile we used to cover the bathroom floor isn't working so well because the floor is uneven (among other reasons) and needs to be fixed. So the tile we put down is gonna be pulled up, then Joe has scored some free tile for us to use--real tile, with tile glue. So that's gonna happen. In the meantime, Joe has pulled the toilet up out of its spot and put it in the shower, and we have filled the RV with the wood, carpet, and various other supplies we're going to use, so this is what it currently looks like:

So's looking pretty awesome right now. But then, I have been referred to as Kali, the Hindu goddess who destroys so that things can be reborn. So I think with a little more destruction (which is clearly where my strength lies), we can recreate this thing into the beautiful RV it's meant to be.

On a mostly unrelated note, I had mentioned in a previous post that I was going to begin taking my cat on walks. This has now happened multiple times. I thought it went pretty well for the first two times--she would initially just lie down or try to wander off into foliage and if we wanted her to come with us, we'd have to carry her, but by the end of the walk we had managed to get her to walk kind of along with us. She'd only take a few steps at a time, then lie down for a moment before taking a few more steps, but still, it was something. But the most recent time I walked her she wouldn't even do that. So it would seem we are not progressing as I had hoped. But I'll probably try again a few more times at least. Because look how cute she is on her little leash:

yep. I love my kitty.